
Always Buy Travel Health Insurance, Before it Costs You More Than You Can Handle!

Take it from me, spend the extra money on travel insurance, it will always be worth it! Things happen when you are at home, and they can definitely happen when you travel. It always best to be safe than sorry. During my month excursion in Spain, I was so excited to be discovering new adventures…


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Take it from me, spend the extra money on travel insurance, it will always be worth it!

Things happen when you are at home, and they can definitely happen when you travel. It always best to be safe than sorry.

During my month excursion in Spain, I was so excited to be discovering new adventures I got off of my routine of supplements and water intake. Let’s just say after a week, it caught up with me with severe dehydration. Of course, I went to the pharmacy first, since in Europe it is not unnecessary to visit a doctor first.

The pharmacist was nice enough to tell me that unless I have medical insurance I was only be permitted to go to a free hospital. Although, that was at least an option, I wanted to best care, if I so needed it.

I went home and promptly started researching my options. I was able to find top grade insurance for $75 dollars.

Luckily my health improved, and I didn’t have to use it but I was glad I had it in place.

It was a lesson I learned and will also purchase when travelling in the future.